Energy Careers - Billy's Sunbelt Story

Billy, Generator Engineer - “If you are keen on developing yourself Sunbelt will always help you, whether it’s training on a specific product, engineering skills or management development.”

“Sunbelt Rentals are big on personal development and career opportunities. I started 6 years ago and progressed within my first 8 months. Since then I’ve moved into a Workshop Manager role before taking on my current role.”

The working environment within the team is always fantastic.

“Everyone gets along and is always willing to help each other out, whether that’s in the depots, out on site or over the phone support. The teams have great knowledge, skills and a lot of engineering experience and will always offer support when needed. All power depots are OpX accredited which means all health and safety features are maximised and visually all look fantastic, anyone can go to one of our power depots and know their way around. From clearly visible walkways and crossings to communal tools and immaculate work areas.”

I enjoy the site work because we offer various packages based on customer requirements and making them all come together is satisfying.

“My role is an engineering support role for the energy team. I handle a lot of synchronising, telemetry, major repair work and the occasional service. My work varies week by week, I could be doing PDI’s in a depot one day and on-site synchronising multiple sets the next.

I enjoy the freedom and the challenges I encounter along the way. Successfully completing a big job with no issues is always a proud feeling.

In 2022 I was part of Operation London Bridge (the funeral of HM Queen Elizabeth II) where we successfully placed generators across a very busy and secure London area. We set up all of the packages and stayed for the duration for engineering support. To support such a historical event was what made it such a great achievement.”

This year I am really focusing on gaining additional qualifications

“I will be looking to complete electrical qualifications, which will be beneficial to me and my current role. After completing this I would like to look at the electrical side of the business, so wherever this takes me on my Sunbelt career journey I’m sure it will be both enjoyable and challenging!”